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Free Town of Groat's End - Twisting Stair Dungeon
  By: EOTB
   It's a game of chicken when the DM is the crazy one
Since the party is going back to town, I needed to put one together. Here's a map for it, and I'll finish detailing out the town over the next few days in blog posts...
MontiDots Ltd
  By: Simon Todd
We are about writing, illustrating and publishing table top role-playing games. MontiDots is a collaborative venture between three friends incorporating passions, skills, ideas, creativity and fun. Through OSRIC we have published a series of adventures for various levels of play from low level exploratory dungeons to grim survival adventures in upper layers of hell.
Undead In AD&D
  By: Larry Hamilton
I was reading up on the various undead in the Monster Manual, and noted which ones in their descriptions specifically mentioned throwing holy water on them would hurt them.
Vault of the Dwarven King
The Dwarven King of Brundurum has summoned you to his throne room within the Smokey Mountain. Brave souls are needed for a noble quest into the depths of the earth to retrieve the legendary hammer known as Fireheart. But beware - the Goblin King and his evil hordes believe the hammer woke a Lava Titan and they will seek to possess it at all costs. Who is telling the truth? Who is really kin to this ultimate weapon? What secret powers are at play in this tale of suspicion, intrigue and betrayal? Only your stalwart group of adventurers will find out and walk away with more fortune and glory than ever...if you can escape the Vault of the Dwarven King!
Palace of the Dragon's Princess
Once upon a time, the beautiful lakeside realm of Thorin Vale was suffering from the death of its benevolent King. All hope now lay with his only daughter, Princess Francesca who was set to marry her fathers bravest knight and that union would restore the empire. However, on the wedding day, the evil Dragon Maelfesto attacked the castle by surprise and took control! The serpent drove everyone out and took the woman captive in the caverns below, wickedly enchanting the place and was never seen again. Riches, honor and glory will be gained for those who can save the fair maiden, defeat the beast and return alive from the Palace of the Dragon's Princess!
The Clerics in Groat's End
  By: EOTB
   It's a game of chicken when the DM is the crazy one
Comonoc the Spry Cleric of Xan Yae, 11th level S 4, I 15, W 18, D 3, CH 15, AC 10, HP 39, AL N Psionic Ability 150 (75 att/75 def) attack modes: psionic blast, mind thrust defense modes: mind blank, mental barrier Disciplines: (minor) domination, ESP, object reading, precognition; (major) energy control Spells normally memorized: (7/6/5/4/2/1) command, CLWx2, light, remove fear, sanctuary, augury, hold person, messenger, slow poison, withdraw, wyvern watch, cure disease, dispel magic, magical vestment, meld into stone, speak with dead, implore, CSW, divination, PFE 10' rad, commune (if unable to memorize commune then golem or insect plague instead), true seeing. old, sane, precise, violent, diplomatic, cheerful, active intellect, hard-hearted, intellectualist, scrupulously honest, interested in husbandry and athletics Comonoc is an emaciated, legless whisp. He's well-regarded by the poorer masses because of his frequent assistance to sick or injured children and his financial support of the soup kitchen. Although the town isn't particularly fervent, Comonoc is influential while working quietly towards his own ends, which are invested in the status quo. He often changes the course of events small and large without anyone being the wiser...(click above for more!)
The Mystical Trash Heap
  By: Trent Foster
   A blog about D&D and other 80s-era pop culture
My infrequently-updated blog ostensibly covering the entire gamut of 80s-era pop culture but in practice focused mostly on D&D, specifically Gary Gygax-flavored 1st edition AD&D and the World of Greyhawk. Occasional house-rules and new crunch (spells, monsters, items, etc.) are posted alongside reviews and retrospectives, reminiscences, philosophical musings, polemic rants, and other standard blog fare.
Hanging Coffins of the Vampire Queen
The Vampire Queen has assembled a team of her worst prisoners for a little game! Together you strangers face a simple choice...death or freedom? She has challenged your daring band of adventurers to run the gauntlet of her wicked dungeon lair using all of your original weapons, magic items and possessions! You must survive terrible traps, beastly monsters, even each other as you outwit and fight your way through all the horrific surprises she has arranged. Fortune and glory await those brave souls who can escape from the Hanging Coffins of the Vampire Queen!
Moving Maze of the Mad Master
Hordes of metal monsters are ransacking small towns and villages and it's up to you to track down the source and put an end to the terror. The quest will take you to ancient ruins where you must face off against the diabolical designs of the Mad Master and traverse the mind-bending dungeon of his grand maze. Devilish inventions, clockwork horrors and insidious traps will test your party's mettle as you seek to unravel the mysteries, solve the puzzles, and escape the Moving Maze of the Mad Master!
Secret Machines of the Star Spawn
Locals have been hearing whispers of strange happenings around the Ancient Volcano. Rumors over the last several years of an unspeakable evil that has risen up inside. An evil that "fell from the stars." There is something wicked and devilish going on inside. Highwaymen report of strange creatures, mechanical monsters, horrible beasts and "little green men" that are roaming the land. You and your stalwart adventurers have decided to take on the challenge of plundering the mountain for the treasure within!
Follow Me And Die!
  By: Larry Hamilton
I am a long-time gamer. I started with the Holmes Blue Box set of "Basic D&D" that only went to third level, back in March or April, 1977. I then moved on to AD&D, anxiously waiting as each book was released, reading every word as quickly as possible.
Shadow of the Necromancer
Fear stalks through the darkness of night in the form of the walking dead! They attack innocent travelers and merchant caravans in the moonlight! Animated skeletons have also been seen digging up the recently dead and carrying them into the nearby ruins of an old abandoned keep! Rumor spreads fast from lip to ear amongst the locals, whispering that a sinister hooded figure has been seen directing the undead and is taking up residence in that foul dungeon! Your stalwart group of adventurers has decided to take on this challenge, get the treasure you know is in there and defeat this evil menace known only as the Shadow of the Necromancer!
Free City of Holting
  By: Douglas Scot Price
I have some art, work OSRIC is welcome to use as it deems fit.
Expeditious Retreat Press
  By: Joseph Browning
   You like modules? We got modules. Lots of them.
Expeditious Retreat Press has been creating OSRIC-compatible material since 2006. We've released 43-and-counting modules in the Advanced Adventures line, 2 monster books in the Malevolent and Benign series, and plan to continue releasing OSRIC-compatible material until the wheels fall off. In 2020 we'll release The Halls of Arden Vul. The largest OSRIC-compatible megadungeon! With 10 levels, 15 sub-levels, and nearly a million words in length, it's going to be a right beast!
Villains of the Undercity
Danger lurks in every corner of the small coastal city of Los Farport. The locals insist people are being abducted in the night and taken into the bowels of the rumored "Undercity Dungeon" below. A lone survivor managed to escape and give some information before dying in your arms: "Secret door...Tavern of the Wiley Wench...Ugh!" You and your brave team of adventurers have decided to investigate these rumors, plunder the dungeon and destroy the dreaded "Villains of the Undercity!"...right after you loot his still warm body, of course.
Undead In AD&D Part 2
  By: Larry Hamilton
Yesterday, I wrote a bit about Undead in AD&D, with a focus on the Monster Manual and Dungeon Master's Guide. I got a lot of likes and comments on it, some wanting to see what I had to say about the Fiend Folio.
"YAR to "The End of the OSR"
  By: EOTB
   It's a game of chicken when the DM is the crazy one
Melan's post discussing the end of the OSR, and Anthony Huso's response, offered a chance to have -if for a small moment shared by only a few people - that sort of chained conversation that kicked the whole mess off and running. I say "mess" with mixed feelings ranging from fondness to good riddance...(click above for more!)
Cultists of Yox
  By: EOTB
   It's a game of chicken when the DM is the crazy one
As grodog mentioned at his blog, I'm hip-deep in keying out the dungeon level of Twisting Stair #1 for use in my home campaign (and for a prospective Roll20 online campaign). It's coming along nicely, although not quite finished in a shareable state. One thing I like about the Twisting Stair zine is how it drops a tidbit without fleshing out the details. I find it just enough to jump start my creative process while leaving me completely free to follow my imagination. One example of this was the "Cultists of Yox" found on the Wandering Pairings random encounter table. As a little teaser of what turned out to be a major faction in my adaption of the 1st level Twisting Stair dungeon map, here my take on the Cult of Yox...
All of the OSRIC rules in one place
   It's a game of chicken when the DM is the crazy one
Approach: gamist over simulationist Appeal: player skill over character skill Aesthetic: Heavy Metal: the Movie over fantasy geographic My games and writing center around sandboxing between urban, wilderness and megadungeon play; and also a heavy dose of other-planar. Quirks include an irrational love of treasure maps, and using the DMG unarmed combat tables. Dice openly rolled to the fullest extent possible. Illusions are real to the character if the player responds except to disbelieve. Gandalf was just a 5th level wizard, prove me wrong.
PRODUCT The Mad Demigod's Castle PRODUCT Mistress of the Ghost City PRODUCT ZA5: Flayers of the Mind PRODUCT The Verdant Vault of Malakum PRODUCT LG3: Evil in the Borderlands
ARTICLE Extraordinary Delving and Cartography Co. (Part 1 & 2) PRODUCT LBM: Secrets of Black Marsh PRODUCT L5C: The Kroten Campaign Companion PRODUCT & Magazine #10 - Shape Changers PRODUCT Moving Maze of the Mad Master
PRODUCT Stonepick Crossing PRODUCT 100 Intelligent Swords PRODUCT The Flaming Footprints of Jilanth PRODUCT Footprints #08 PRODUCT Under Shattered Mountain
PRODUCT LG1: Terror in the Forest of Gizzick PRODUCT The Banked Swamp PRODUCT A Magical Society Aggressive Ecology: The Slaver Fungus PRODUCT Goblins Tooth II - Faces of Love PRODUCT The Lost Keys of Solitude
PRODUCT ZA6: Journey to the Astral Plane PRODUCT ZA4: Treasure Vaults of Tiamat PRODUCT HU2 A Fabled City of Brass PRODUCT The Red Mausoleum MEDIA Cultists of Yox
PRODUCT Villains of the Undercity CREATOR Old School Role Playing PRODUCT Footprints #01 PRODUCT & Magazine #4 - Classes and Guilds PRODUCT The Spider Farm
PRODUCT The Tales of Highcliff Gard PRODUCT Shadow of the Necromancer PRODUCT The Lost Lair of Drecallis CREATOR Free City of Holting PRODUCT ZA9: Throne of the Gods
PRODUCT The Desert Shrine of the Sightless Sisters PRODUCT Shipwreck at Har's Point PRODUCT The Riddle of Anadi PRODUCT Footprints #13 MEDIA "YAR to "The End of the OSR"
PRODUCT OSRIC (Lulu) PRODUCT Old School Gazette #11 PRODUCT OSRIC (Original PDF) PRODUCT Beneath Black Towen PRODUCT HU1 The Night Wolf Inn
PRODUCT Monsters of Myth PRODUCT HS1 - The Village of Rashtan PRODUCT The Forgotten Grottoes of the Sea Lords PRODUCT Secret Machines of the Star Spawn PRODUCT The Forgotten City of Al-Arin

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